Our Mission

Live Forums

Online Forums

Founded in 2006, our mission is to help improve and protect the environment of Utah Valley and beyond for the betterment of all people and nature, for now and all future generations.

If you would like to help us help you and the environment, we invite you to contact us at [email protected].

We host free public educational forums at the Orem Library. Over the years we covered the full range of environmental topics.

Because of Covid, we currently live-stream our forums via Zoom on our Facebook page.

To be notified of upcoming zoom forums and events send us an email to [email protected].

With the pandemic, we switched to online forums, typically live-streamed and recorded on our Facebook page. Future zoom forums will range from Utah Lake, water use and conservation, to plastics, air pollution, manmade global warming, switching to clean safe renewable energy, rapid growth, the Great Salt Lake and the "polluting inland port." We'll let you know when, if you sign up via [email protected].

About the UVEF & Our Record


UV Environmental Survey

Social Media

Conferences & Rallies

The UVEF utilizes our email list of about 1,500 people to share information about environmental issues affecting Utah Valley, Utah and the planet. You can join the list by sending an email to [email protected]. You can follow us on our Facebook page, our Twitter account and post your own questions and concerns at the Utah Valley Green Facebook page.

Rooftop Solar Program

Action Guide

Our Record

We offer a Solar Referral Program referring potential customers to two or three select, well-qualified solar providers who offer very competitively priced rooftop solar installations in Utah Valley. We do a detailed analytical comparison of solar providers so you will benefit from our analysis.

For details, contact us at

[email protected] >


Facing the worsening fossil-fuel-burning planet-warming Climate Crisis, the UVEF has prepared an Action Guide for an Ailing Planet. In it we offer a host of actions to combat the crisis and help move Utah and the planet in a more healthy, sustainable direction— hopefully before it’s too late.

Action Guide >

From our annual Environmental Survey of 22 Utah Valley Cities and Towns, and clean air rallies ... to our Action Guide for an Ailing Planet and Rooftop Solar Program—and even art performances (above, at BYU) ... the UVEF has a long history of helping the environment in Utah Valley and beyond.  

Our Record >

Recognizing Achievement

Science Fair Awards

Tree Planting & Clean-Ups

The UVEF identifies individuals, businesses, organizations and communities that make exceptional contributions to environmental stewardship or sustainability. In such cases we present the UVEF Earth Stewardship Award.

The UVEF has done judging of Valley school science fairs recognizing student science projects that represent exceptional environmental research and that show promise for students’ future achievement in the field of environmental science.

The UVEF arranges for tree plantings and environmental clean-up of various areas. In the case pictured above, we made possible a tree planting with Provo City where Native American young people did much of the planting.


We are in the process of conducting our 10th annual environmental survey of over 20 Utah Valley Cities and Towns. The survey informs the public what communities are doing to be sustainable and to help the environment. It also helps educate and inspire communities to do more, and recognizes exceptional environmental achievement. View the previous Environmental Survey here.

© 2021-2023 UVEF

Photos © 2021 James Westwater

Responding to a recent threat to Utah Lake posed by developers, we co-hosted an emergency Utah Lake Symposium at UVU in conjunction with BYU and others. We also co-hosted two UVU/UVEF Clean Air Clean Energy Conferences at UVU. We sponsored two Clean Air, Clean Energy Rallies in Provo. We support rallies, conferences and summits to help the environment.

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